Cheshire LTA’s tennis club of the year have announced that they now have pickleball on offer – with free taster sessions for any interested individuals or groups.
Last summer, Stockton Heath converted two of their junior tennis courts into pickleball courts. Chair Sue Hendry began playing pickleball herself more than two years ago, and persuaded a member and former coach to take the Pickleball Leaders course. With growing enthusiasm for pickleball in the club, the committee agreed it would be a good idea to convert the underused courts.
“We didn’t complete our courts until September with the availability of contractors and then ‘curing’ time for painting the courts,” says Sue. “The idea is that we will actively promote the courts in the spring when the weather improves although we have got a loyal band of players at the moment who brave the elements.”
She adds: “The transfer from tennis skills to pickleball skills is very doable. Once people have had a taster session they have found it to be so much fun and have been keen to play more.
“We have held quite a few taster sessions but we are actively looking to find groups who would like to come along and try. We have loan paddles and balls so all that’s needed are trainers and comfy clothing.”
If anyone in the area would like to take the opportunity to play on the new courts at Stockton Heath, they can get in touch with Sue directly.